Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Elder Scrolls Freewrite

So when I was eight my father joineed the military he was then deployed to afghansitastan shortly afterwards. Around that time, the nintendo wii had come out for god knows how much sum of ridicfulous ammount of money and my father searfhched and scoured for a wii for me because i was eight and thats what i wanted and my father was really fgood at getting me things that i wantedd to so he couldnt find one in america, they were always all sold out or to omuch moneyand one day during his deployment he was awalking around afghanistan as he would normally do and he saw this venfdor stand, well at the stand was like a ten wdollar wii. a few weeks tlater i received the wii in the mail with one super disffucltu game in it called trauma center. that games is literally the worst thing ever, you have to be a doctor and remove splinters and woinds and sew peoilple up go into them and remove tumors, all with the wii remote and i have always had the shakiest hands in the eworl d so i was not a big famn of that games, asl o= around that time, i had an original playstation or a playtsontioan 1 as people call it and i usedf to play legen d of dragoon on that and listen to the nutty profferso r album which i gad also gotten but asometimes earlier than the wii, it was pretty fun. and then after that i dont remember when but my father passed down his orgiianl xbox to me, and i plyaed the shit out of that sithing, i would play aliens attack, i would play xxs tricky and i would play halolo. all day  long. ive been a gamer my entire life, so it alsways pains me to hear when other gamers are talking about a certain new game or populart game of game series or anything tlike that and im not educated on it. its not that i m not a gamer , its that i play old games. ethat and elder scrolls, ask me any bit of elder scrolls lore, and or ask me to tell you a story , and i could do it in my sleep. speaking of sleep i had the weirdest dream today, i was first a school girl like a four year old and we as a class went outside for whatever reason and there was a dead body in the lake well wehn we found it a group of police officerrs (in like furture so they arwere geared up like robots and such) were like, “we want that dead body” and fr tsome reason the teacher at the school replied, “no we awant it” then there awas a deal that they would fight to tht e deadth for the dead body, and then me being a four year old, i screamed and ran into this nifty two story boat house. a few moments later i was nrmall age (18) and i was licing in the boat house on the lake. it was more of a lagoon or swamp or something that was only ankle deep where the dead body was found bu t the boat on somethug deeper. and ui t was nighttime and we were scratching at the door, someone was filing away the lock so they could get inside. so i ran upstaried and heard gunshots from downstiaris nknowing they ckilled someone i lived twith , and then i found my roomate upstairs in like a cage and he was like “here” and i came into the cage with him , and then cutsceene or schagne of csceenes it was me sitting in fthe cough in front of the tc anf my teeth felt wereid and so i puched my toucnge on my teeth and they al l started to fall out, so i took them out up untill my cnanined so all my chewing teeth came out and i went upstairs to my roomate and just started crying the all my teeth fell out and i cried wfor like ten minutes.

New Prompt : Elder Scrolls.

I love the elder scorlls games so much. I dont know what it is about the games and the lore and the sotrieds but i could play elder scorlls for the reast of my life over any other games. basically is tesstareted with skyrim (which i lolved at the time), and then i got oblivioun (which i hated and will always ahte because of the way thear archaress are set up, it sucks, it sucks so hard anf im s always a nsekay archer i like snek kills) and then i got morrowing (which is my favorite) andn i havent played the otehr because theyre all for consoleds that i dont have or are way to fciffiult like the sarena is ridiciulous,  i would never be able to get out of the dungeon aread they have and not hamerfell of something red that one is terrible sjust in sotryline, but i think its cool that elder scorlls artated out in the 90s like i did.  i was born around the time that the arena came out which i think is no coincidentce. my parents arenet too bid of gamers, my dad used to be but he is more for the arcade style games, and my mom sjust likes snowboarding or something. but i get really into it. speaking of that, that reminds og of pokemon. i collected the cards way early  like 6 years old early. and i watched all of the epidsodes of the first season and the first movei which runs for like 1000 dollard on amacon, but anyway i didnt know that everything was based on a game until i lwas like fourtheen , i always lthought the cards were based on the show and the show was jujst wa show, but then i played my first pokemon game wihch was platinume and since then i veplayed others, but it really surprised mye that i didnt know that there were games first then the show then the cards because i used to beg my cvousins all the time if i could play pokemon on ine of there gameboy advances and such , theyd nebver let me play, but theyd let me wathc, which is why i think i can sit in my room for like 12 hours and watch other people play video games on youtube. i actullauy inejoy watcheing other people play which is weird, youd think i wouldnt and that i would rather play, but especiaiklu if i wante to play the game, i like to wathvc playthrough, because then i wkknow what to do and what not to do, making the game easiter for me, since puzzles are not my strong wsuit in games. io like puzzles like sudoku and stuff, but i do not like puzzles like the nord puzzles in skyrim, in the tombs and such.

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