Happiness is soemthing that comes in a sandwhich tin from the gas station . happiness is a bell on your keychain. HAPPINESS is something you can have, and lose within minutes. Happiness is subjective. I don’t believe that anyone truly ever has felt happy. Sure you get periods of time where everything is right, you smile easier,you laugh harder. But things add up. They get blocked, they get moved, they get destroyed. Soemthing happens. It could take five years or five seconds, and then your world is upsde down again. The happiness that everyone wants to achieve is ultimate bliss, but that happiness that we can achieve because we are a limited creature/construction, is coping. Being able to find the light even when you’re in the dark. That’s the happiness everyone is talking about, because to be truly happy is impossible. If someone is truly happy, they never feel sad, anxious, emotional tired, angry, anything but happy. Again, happiness is something that comes in the mail from a shady merchant, is a cellphone in the rain, is a bird landing on your finger. You never know when it will come and when it will leave. You know when it gets there and WHEN it leaves, which is at the very least nice. But you can never catch up with it and keep it. Keeping happiness is like keeping a wild animal in your house, and living with it for the rest of your life. If anything, you have to take carre of happiness, but even then, you still get those other emotions taht ruin it. They ruin it for you and youre so angry that they do. it truly is unfair, the thing that everyone is working so hard to have, can never be bought and kept. you work and you work and you work, and then you’re 30 with a spouse and one child with another on the way. You’ve just paid off your house mortgage, and all of your debt has dissappeared slowly the past two years. and the day finally comes because you’re happy. It’s a saturday, no one has any obligations to do anything, all of the debt has finally been paid off. everything is nice. and then sunday happens. A fire breaks loose in your house, your belongings are destoryed, and to make matters worse, you are havimng complications with the pregnancy from the thick fire smoke. and there it goes. only a memory of what that felt like taht remains.
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