Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Healthy Colors are Important Freewrite

health is important

i guess this is my slogan. i dont know what that means.. i just want to go home and go to bed. that all i wantto do. HEALTHY. thats my slogan. health is importatnt, yet i dont want to get better. i just want to sleep. HEALTHY maybe if i write that 30 more times i wont have to share anything. escept that people need to be HEALTHY to live normal lives. well i use the word notmal loosely. HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALHTY HEALTH IS IMPORTANT. its very importatnt in all aspects of the word. there is physically healthy (so eating right and exercising and not being lazy and not getting sick and taking vitamins that you need and getting shots) and there is mentally healthy (so feeling good about your self, coping with stress, coping with anything really, being able to function in a social situation, doing things that are in the norm, being yourself, not hearing or seeing things, being able to participate in society). all are good thing. im going to stop writing now. how long is this goigng to last. my brain is tired, my hands are tires, my eyes are tired. everything is tired. i just need a good nap, but i dont have time for one. and i just thought about some assignments that i have do for computers ugh. i dont want to stay up all night, but i might as well. i can get everything done if i do.  HEALTHY MEANS HAPPY.  

crayola color : 1000 leagues under the sea blue.

i thought blue would fit bestk. i like the color blue.i could have alsio done something like “soulless black” or “fashion week orange” those would work. those are my favorite colors. but not ones that really descrive me. i have a soul, and i would nevrr wear orange ingeneral and especially not an orage called “fashion week orange’. not happening. 1000 leagues under the sea blue fits me just right.its because thats where i am. 1000 leagues uner the sea. is the time up yet?f my spelling is super good when im not trying. grammar is superb.

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